Friday, October 5, 2012

Rocket trainer under construction

(BST) has begun to build its rocket-powered flight trainer. After 6 years in development, BST’s pilot training course for rocket-powered flight has been reviewed by the FAA and is now awaiting the prototype and certification on its way to training student pilots for flight on board a rocket-powered aircraft.
George Tyson, CEO of BST stated, “… this is a banner day for space flight training. This training program will insure that all of the pilots flying to space will receive training of the highest caliber that meets or exceeds the rigorous training that we demand for our commercial pilots.”
BST spokesman David Allen told a gathering at BST’s California office that they have already signed contracts for the building of the first of 3 different training vehicles. Completion of these vehicles, including the certification flights, are scheduled for this time next year.
“We at Black Sky Training are excited about the future of commercial space travel. So many good companies have put so much into building dependable, safe vehicles for space tourism, and now with a standardized training program near completion, the traveling public can be assured of safe and comfortable rides to the Black Sky.”


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